Just like I've carefully designed this website to reflect my business, your personalized stationery needs to reflect you: your personality, your industry, your style, and your name, of course. It's completely about YOU, and not about me.
But since you asked...
I'm a 20-something loving the friends, food, and sunny weather (year-round summertime) of Houston, Texas. My major was English, so any talk of books or grammar will completely light up my entire face.
I fill my time hanging out with amazing high school girls at Young Life, going to Aggie football games (Gig'em!), watching Downton Abbey, playing guitar, reading Malcolm Gladwell, and designing paper for you!
Thank you for stopping by!
- Mary Grace
“Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them.”
I begged my way into the Graphic Design classes at Texas A&M University. As the only non-art major in the entire class (I was an English major), all my classmates had been designing for years, so I worked overtime to catch up. My graphic design teacher was by far, the toughest professor I had ever had. After weeks of working on a project, she'd ask me to trash it and start from scratch. I poured myself into graphic design and slowly caught on and improved. By the end of my third course, I was finally able to please that professor!
After graduating college, I got my first corporate job and immersed myself into writing/project management (which I still do and I still love!) A few months later, my best friend asked me to design her wedding invitations, and the idea for Mary Grace Paperie was born. Instead of simply designing things I liked, I was able to work with someone for one of the most special days of their life- and create an invitation that they'd save and look at for the rest of their lives. I love every single detail of wedding invitations: the style, the colors, the fonts, the wording, the paper. I still design wedding invitations for close friends, but I've realized that personalized stationery can last longer, go further, and can only be used by YOU. It does have your name at the top, after all.
Mary Grace Paperie began in July 2013 and this website launched in January 2015.
“Letters have to pass two tests before they can be classed as good: they must express the personality both of the writer and of the recipient.”